Frequently Asked Questions

Can you buy and sell stocks or mutual funds for me?
Yes, we use TD Ameritrade Institutional Services for all of our clients. We are not brokers and do not work for TD Ameritrade. We are a "Fee Only" Registered Investment Advisor.
If an investment is not doing well, will Advisor Financial sell it?
Yes, I review all investments at least once a month and if they are not performing as expected, they will be replaced.
Does TD Ameritrade charge a fee to open an account?
No, There are no fees charged by TD Ameritrade to open an account.
What is the minimum amount required to open an account?
There is no minimum to open an account; however, many investments have a minimum purchase size between $1,000 and $2,500. While you may open the account, until the account reaches $2,000, the selection of investments we can invest in is limited.

Retirement Accounts

Retirement Accounts

We offer 401(k)s, IRAs, and Roth IRAs through TD Ameritrade Institutional Services. Our plans are managed and offer personalized options for you.

Call us for a free investment review.